World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that in Indonesia each year will be 583 000 new TB cases. Half or 50 percent of that amount will be transmitted as it is known as Basil the case of Acid Resistance (AFB) positive. Transmission of TB disease is very fast and every one smear positive TB patients could transmit the disease to 10 to 15 people per year. Thus you can imagine how many pesakit TB in the next few years, saw the number of Indonesian population which has a population of 210 million inhabitants. Today Indonesia is the diseased state (TB), the largest number three in the world after India and China. TB disease is not a new disease in Indonesia, the TB problem, nor merely a health problem. Tuberculosis is also very closely related to economic and social problems in the country. TB patients are mostly derived from the poor and the productive age group.
Someone who develop TB disease will lose work time three to four months. This is equivalent to 20 to 30 percent decline in annual family income.
expected to governments, community organizations and community leaders to be able to convey information about TB to the broader community. This needs to be handled from the beginning both of socialization in the family, until the general community to jointly combat tuberculosis.
Long-term goal is to lower TBC morbidity and mortality of TB disease by breaking the chain of transmission, so that tuberculosis is no longer a public health problem of Indonesia. While short-term objectives are: 1) the achievement of cure rate of at least 85% of all new smear positive patients were found, and 2) achieving coverage of case detection gradually so that in the year 2005 can reach 70% of all estimated new smear positive patients.
Since 1995, Pulmonary Tuberculosis Eradication Program has been implemented with the DOTS strategy (directly Observed Treatment Shortcourse chemotherapy) is recommended by WHO. Along with the formation of GERDUNAS TB, then the Eradication of Tuberculosis Lung Disease became Reduction Program Tuberculosis (TB).
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