Traveled to several regions in Indonesia to explore and research in order to implement the humanitarian program and to developt humanitarian hospitals in several regions in Indonesia. I met some doctors and local community organizations, to discuss the issues raised in these areas, the programs have been implemented, the programs work to be carried out, and the constraints that occur in implementing the programs .
In the meeting there were some interesting things that become obstacles in executing the work programs, for example, is bureaucratic problems that occur. There is a community organization that is led by an obstetrician, who is very interested in tackling the problem of the spread of HIV in mothers and children, they also deal with people with AIDS. There are big obstacles they face in running their programs, particularly funding issues, they have tried to request funding to AIDS organizations that already exist in their areas, but they collided with the problem of bureaucracy and regulations that apply in institutions , so that they can not get financial assistance to support their work program. This certainly sounds very alarming because they make work program is very nice to be implemented but should be stopped only because of bureaucratic problems.
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