Go with the team to visit Central Java, Indonesia, to see the eruption of Merapi disaster victims. Many things must be done to improve the structure of life in the disaster areas, from health issues to economic issues. After the formation of working teams in order to make the program work in the disaster area, I went to visit the city of Semarang to see the development of humanitarian hospital project in Demak and Kendal. In Semarang also met with Dr. Bambang, a doctor at once a scientist who did a lot of struggle to fight HIV disease, especially among commercial sex workers. Together with Dr. Bambang, I went to visit the HIV clinic located in a complex of prostitution. I feel very sad to see the condition of the clinic, the clinic does not have adequate means and facilities to fight HIV. The clinic storage warehouse stocks of medicines, medical equipment, and condoms look's very alarming, as well as laboratory facilities, to facilities refrigerator to store blood samples, they using very simple refrigerator that usually used in small restaurants . I also conduct interviews with commercial sex workers who are in prostitution complex, one of a very sad thing is the commercial sex workers who already have HIV is still working to serve customers, it is certainly very dangerous for the spread of HIV in Indonesia, and can increase HIV prevalence more higher. I said and appealed to Dr. Bambang as head of the clinic to asked to the all leaders asylums prostitution to withdraw all their commercial sex workers who already have HIV. because they have made an unbroken line to prevent the spread of HIV in Indonesia. A very ironic reasons expressed by the commercial sex workers, they said that they continue to serve customers even they have HIV because of the pressure factor of economic needs, if they have to stop selling a service, meaning they will not earn money, while they must support and meet family needs. due to reasons and explanations that I immediately asked the team to form a working team and to design job training programs and planning to provide working capital for the commercial sex workers are drawn from prostitution complex, so they also continue to finance the family's life.
TB disease is a disease that is categorized in infections caused by bacteria Mikobakterium tuberculosis. TB disease can strike at a...
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