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    Posted by: Andy Satyakusuma Posted date: 12:41 AM / comment : 0

    Indonesia is currently in preparation for choosing a new leader, each candidate trying to draw sympathy from the people to get support in the presidential election. The supporters of each candidate is also aggressively promote the person they supported. The appalling conditions is, the supporters mutually expose vices and ignominy of the prospective opponent. Actually, at this time Indonesian people and nation highly not need things like that. 

    There are few more important issues going on and faced by Indonesia at this time, and these things require more handling and optimal solution, such as :

    1. Corruption problems. Corruption is an important development challenges that lead to economic and social costs in Indonesia. The level of corruption among public officials in Indonesia has improved significantly over the last few years. Corruption is the most common misuse of office, money laundering and bribery. Despite the deregulation process is successful, Indonesia has a legal and institutional framework is weak. Legislation and anti-corruption shortage does not address the bribery of foreign officials or private sector corruption.
    2. Low Economic Growth. Economic growth of a country is one of the indications that can be used to measure the success of the country's development. Economic growth can be seen by the level of production of goods and services that can be produced during a given period, Indonesia still relies on foreign capital investment to support economic activity. purchasing power very is less and the decline in economic activity in the community. 
    3. Income inequalities. In society there are groups of people with high income and low-income communities. People with high incomes are able to meet their needs from the needs of primary, secondary, tertiary up. Meanwhile, a group of people with low incomes are unable to meet their needs despite the most basic needs.
      Differences certain groups of people with earnings income gap poses problems. Therefore, the necessary role of government in evenly distributing the income distribution. This is done to flatten the society's ability to enjoy the fruits of development. In addition, government efforts aimed at reducing the income leveling social inequalities in society
    4. Inflation, According to BPS data, Indonesia's inflation in 2011 amounted to 3.79%. Inflation in Indonesia due to the high demand, while the demand for goods and services is not matched by the ability of production and also due to increased production costs. Inflation is characterized by rising prices of goods and services as a whole. This will lead to a decrease in the purchasing power of goods and services. Inflation impact on the slowing down of economic activity, the weakening of the rupiah, and the instability of the country's economy. Based on the source of inflation can be classified into two, namely demand-pull inflation and cost push inflation.
    5. Poverty, Poverty is a state of people who are not able to meet the necessities of life covers food, clothing, shelter, education, and health. Poverty as a result of reduced people's income in real terms. Society has decreased the purchasing power of staple goods in general. As a result, people can not live a decent
    6. Unemployment. In general, unemployment is defined as the labor force who are not working. Unemployment is a chain of problems that are able to cause some problems in the country. Unemployment due to the amount of labor force that is not balanced by the number of jobs / employment opportunities. As a result, many of the labor force that can not be absorbed in employment giving rise to unemployment. government needs to pursue policies in the field of employment, for example, improved quality of labor / human resources, create jobs, encourage growth and capital investment, providing employment information, as well as provide training and skills for the workforce.
    Seeing few above problems, Indonesia is currently require concrete measures and a good economic strategy to deal with the above issues,

    1. Encouraging Industry Growth, There is no developing of economic and achieve high-income status since 1950 without a strong industrial sector and diversified production base, either big or home-based industry. industrial productivity in developing countries tend to catch up rapidly in developed countries, and this makes a strong driver of industry growth, unfortunately, the Indonesian economy is still dependent on the production and export of commodities, prices tend to be volatile. In fact, Indonesia's manufacturing shrank as a share of GDP, exports, and employment opportunities. Industrial sector needs to be encouraged through investment regulations more efficient, creating an increase in domestic and international competition.
    2. Reducing Economic gap. income inequality in Indonesia has risen in the last decade. The main reason is the increasing inequality of opportunity to access health services, education, employment, financial, and judicial system. This not only exacerbates social tension level, must ensure that all Indonesian people have access to the same quality of health care and education.
    3. Better Energy Policy, Energy policies need to be much more wisely in removing fuel subsidy and emphasizing alternative sources of low-carbon energy, including geothermal, hydropower, biomass, wind, and solar energy as well as conventional gas. Price of natural resources more generally should reflect not only their rarity, but also the social and environmental costs society. Public investment in agriculture should focus on improving crop yields and higher-value while minimizing waste and spoilage between agriculture and consumers. Fund budget location for environmental protection and conservation programs need to  be further improved
    4. People's Economic Empowerment, Economic Empowerment of people to explore the potential of self-reliance and of economic development and the empowerment of people through strategic of economic development in Natural Resources Management / Agricultural Fair and Sustainable manner, which is based on the substance is understood that Democracy Economic Development based on "Production Tool / factors of Production and the Production Process "remains in the government guidance.
      • Develop a strategic economic community based on local potential. 
      • Develop models of economic development of the people on the basis of self-reliance and independence. 
      • Reinforcement - reinforcement of institutions and economic institutions in society in order to foster economic system and strengthen collective self-reliance and independent of capital.

    Andy Satyakusuma

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