fuel price hike, the Indonesian government plans to provide a compensation fund
related to meantime Direct Aid Society Fund, additional quota of rice for the
poor, and the family hopes the program will be prepared by the Ministry of
Social Welfare. These sounds very promising for the improvement in the
Indonesian community economy, but they
forget about other things or negative impacts that would occur due to fuel
price hike. Central Bank Of Indonesia said the increase in fuel prices will led
to of at least 8.5% inflation, rising prices of basic commodities will
certainly occur, which resulting decline in consumer purchasing power.
transport prices surely occurs, increasing industrial production cost will take
place, which resulted in possibility of employers will reduce the number of
employees, surely will make unemployment rate will be higher, not to mention
when the rise in labor costs caused the rising prices of basic commodities, which
result many employers are choosing to close their business, and certainly would
also increase the amount of unemployment and surely impact negatively on the
improvement of the economy.
We Asia Africa Foundation really hope the Indonesian government will think deeper, the negative impact of fuel
price hike on economic conditions in Indonesia. moreover, the Direct Assistance
Funds is only temporary.
Dengan kenaikan harga BBM, pemerintah Indonesia merencanakan untuk memberikan dana kompensasi yang terkait dengan Bantuan Langsung Sementara Masyarakat, penambahan kuota beras miskin, dan program keluarga harapan akan disiapkan oleh Kementerian Kesejahteraan Sosial. hal ini terdengar sangat menjanjikan bagi peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat di Indonesia. tapi mereka melupakan hal-hal lainnya atau dampak negatif yang akan terjadi akibat kenaikan harga BBM. Bank Indonesia menyatakan kenaikan harga bahan bakar akan mengakibatkan terjadinya inflasi minimal 8,5%. kenaikan harga bahan pokok tentu akan terjadi, yang mengakibatkan turunnya daya beli masyarakat.
harga transportasi dan peningkatan biaya produksi industri akan terjadi, yang
mengakibatkan kemungkinan para pengusaha akan mengurangi jumlah pegawai, dan
akan membuat tingkat pengangguran akan semakin tinggi. belum lagi terjadinya
permintaan kenaikan gaji buruh yang diakibatkan oleh kenaikan harga-harga bahan
pokok . akibatnya mungkin banyak pengusaha yang memilih untuk menutup usahanya,
hal ini tentunya juga akan menambah jumlah angka pengangguran dan pasti akan
berdampak negatif kepada peningkatan ekonomi Indonesia.
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