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  • Indonesia is currently in preparation for choosing a new leader, each candidate trying to draw sympathy from the people to get support in the presidential election. The supporters of each candidate is also aggressively promote the person they supported. The appalling conditions is, the supporters mutually expose vices and ignominy of the prospective opponent. Actually, at this time Indonesian people and nation highly not need things like that. 

    There are few more important issues going on and faced by Indonesia at this time, and these things require more handling and optimal solution, such as :

    1. Corruption problems. Corruption is an important development challenges that lead to economic and social costs in Indonesia. The level of corruption among public officials in Indonesia has improved significantly over the last few years. Corruption is the most common misuse of office, money laundering and bribery. Despite the deregulation process is successful, Indonesia has a legal and institutional framework is weak. Legislation and anti-corruption shortage does not address the bribery of foreign officials or private sector corruption.
    2. Low Economic Growth. Economic growth of a country is one of the indications that can be used to measure the success of the country's development. Economic growth can be seen by the level of production of goods and services that can be produced during a given period, Indonesia still relies on foreign capital investment to support economic activity. purchasing power very is less and the decline in economic activity in the community. 
    3. Income inequalities. In society there are groups of people with high income and low-income communities. People with high incomes are able to meet their needs from the needs of primary, secondary, tertiary up. Meanwhile, a group of people with low incomes are unable to meet their needs despite the most basic needs.
      Differences certain groups of people with earnings income gap poses problems. Therefore, the necessary role of government in evenly distributing the income distribution. This is done to flatten the society's ability to enjoy the fruits of development. In addition, government efforts aimed at reducing the income leveling social inequalities in society
    4. Inflation, According to BPS data, Indonesia's inflation in 2011 amounted to 3.79%. Inflation in Indonesia due to the high demand, while the demand for goods and services is not matched by the ability of production and also due to increased production costs. Inflation is characterized by rising prices of goods and services as a whole. This will lead to a decrease in the purchasing power of goods and services. Inflation impact on the slowing down of economic activity, the weakening of the rupiah, and the instability of the country's economy. Based on the source of inflation can be classified into two, namely demand-pull inflation and cost push inflation.
    5. Poverty, Poverty is a state of people who are not able to meet the necessities of life covers food, clothing, shelter, education, and health. Poverty as a result of reduced people's income in real terms. Society has decreased the purchasing power of staple goods in general. As a result, people can not live a decent
    6. Unemployment. In general, unemployment is defined as the labor force who are not working. Unemployment is a chain of problems that are able to cause some problems in the country. Unemployment due to the amount of labor force that is not balanced by the number of jobs / employment opportunities. As a result, many of the labor force that can not be absorbed in employment giving rise to unemployment. government needs to pursue policies in the field of employment, for example, improved quality of labor / human resources, create jobs, encourage growth and capital investment, providing employment information, as well as provide training and skills for the workforce.
    Seeing few above problems, Indonesia is currently require concrete measures and a good economic strategy to deal with the above issues,

    1. Encouraging Industry Growth, There is no developing of economic and achieve high-income status since 1950 without a strong industrial sector and diversified production base, either big or home-based industry. industrial productivity in developing countries tend to catch up rapidly in developed countries, and this makes a strong driver of industry growth, unfortunately, the Indonesian economy is still dependent on the production and export of commodities, prices tend to be volatile. In fact, Indonesia's manufacturing shrank as a share of GDP, exports, and employment opportunities. Industrial sector needs to be encouraged through investment regulations more efficient, creating an increase in domestic and international competition.
    2. Reducing Economic gap. income inequality in Indonesia has risen in the last decade. The main reason is the increasing inequality of opportunity to access health services, education, employment, financial, and judicial system. This not only exacerbates social tension level, must ensure that all Indonesian people have access to the same quality of health care and education.
    3. Better Energy Policy, Energy policies need to be much more wisely in removing fuel subsidy and emphasizing alternative sources of low-carbon energy, including geothermal, hydropower, biomass, wind, and solar energy as well as conventional gas. Price of natural resources more generally should reflect not only their rarity, but also the social and environmental costs society. Public investment in agriculture should focus on improving crop yields and higher-value while minimizing waste and spoilage between agriculture and consumers. Fund budget location for environmental protection and conservation programs need to  be further improved
    4. People's Economic Empowerment, Economic Empowerment of people to explore the potential of self-reliance and of economic development and the empowerment of people through strategic of economic development in Natural Resources Management / Agricultural Fair and Sustainable manner, which is based on the substance is understood that Democracy Economic Development based on "Production Tool / factors of Production and the Production Process "remains in the government guidance.
      • Develop a strategic economic community based on local potential. 
      • Develop models of economic development of the people on the basis of self-reliance and independence. 
      • Reinforcement - reinforcement of institutions and economic institutions in society in order to foster economic system and strengthen collective self-reliance and independent of capital.

    Andy Satyakusuma

  • Indonesia saat ini sedang dalam persiapan untuk memilih seorang pemimpin baru bagi bangsa dan negara. masing-masing calon pemimpin  berusaha untuk menarik simpati  dari rakyat untuk mendapatkan dukungan dalam pemilihan presiden nanti. Para pendukung  masing-masing kubu juga gencar mempromosikan calon presiden yang di dukungnya. kondisi yang memprihatinkan adalah para pendukung sibuk saling membeberkan kejelekan dan aib dari calon lawannya. Sebenarnya saat ini rakyat dan bangsa Indonesia sangat tidak membutuhkan  hal-hal seperti itu, informasi mengenai kejelekan atau aib seseorang, rakyat Indonesia lebih membutuhkan seorang pemimpin bangsa yang lebih memperhatikan kebutuhan rakyatnya, dan mempunyai program kerja yang baik bagi masa depan bangsa Indonesia, sebuah program kerja yang dapat meningkatkan kehidupan rakyat.

    Ada beberapa permasalahan yang lebih penting  terjadi dan dihadapi bangsa Indonesia saat ini, dimana hal-hal tersebut memerlukan penanganan secara lebih konkrit dan mendalam, yaitu :

    • Masalah Korupsi,  Korupsi merupakan tantangan perkembangan penting yang menimbulkan biaya ekonomi dan sosial di Indonesia. Tingkat korupsi di kalangan pejabat publik di Indonesia telah meningkat secara signifikan selama beberapa tahun terakhir. Tindak pidana korupsi yang paling umum adalah penyalah gunaan jabatan, pencucian uang dan penyuapan. Meskipun proses deregulasi yang sukses, Indonesia memiliki kerangka hukum dan kelembagaan yang lemah. Undang-undang anti-korupsi kekurangan dan tidak membahas penyuapan pejabat asing atau korupsi sektor swasta.   
    • Rendahnya Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, Pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu negara merupakan salah satu indikasi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur keberhasilan pembangunan negara tersebut. Pertumbuhan ekonomi dapat dilihat melalui tingkat produksi barang dan jasa yang dapat dihasilkan selama satu periode tertentu, Indonesia masih bergantung pada modal dari investasi pihak asing untuk menunjang kegiatan ekonominya.  daya beli masyarakat sangat kurang dan terjadinya  penurunan kegiatan ekonomi di masyarakat.
    • Kesenjangan Penghasilan, Dalam masyarakat terdapat kelompok masyarkat dengan penghasilan tinggi dan kelompok masyarakat dengan penghasilan rendah. Masyarakat yang memiliki penghasilan tinggi mampu memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya mulai dari kebutuhan primer, sekunder,hingga tersier. Sementara itu, kelompok masyarakat yang memiliki penghasilan rendah tidak mampu memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya meskipun kebutuhan yang palingdasar.Perbedaan kelompok masyarakat dengan penghasilan tertentu menimbulkan permasalahan kesenjangan penghasilan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan peran pemerintah dalam memeratakan penyaluran distribusi pendapatan. Hal ini dilakukan untuk meratakan kemampuan masyarakat dalam menikmati hasil pembangunan. Selain itu, upaya pemerintah dalam meratakan penghasilan bertujuan untuk mengurangi kesenjangandan kecemburan sosial masyarakat
    • Inflasi, Berdasarkan data BPS, inflasi Indonesia padatahun 2011 saja sebesar 3,79%. Inflasi yang terjadi di Indonesia disebabkan tingginya permintaan , sementara permintaan barang dan jasa tidak diimbangi dengan kemampuan produksi dan juga karena kenaikan biayaproduksi. Inflasi ditandai oleh kenaikan harga barang dan jasa secara keseluruhan. Hal ini akan menimbulkan penurunan daya beli masyarakat terhadap barang dan jasa. Inflasi berdampak pada lesunya kegiatan perekonomian, melemahnya nilai rupiah, dan ketidak stabilan perekonomian negara. Berdasarkan sumbernya inflasi dapat digolongkan menjadi dua, yaitu inflasi tarikan permintaan dan inflasi dorongan biaya
    • Kemiskinan, Kemiskinan merupakan keadaan masyarakat yang tidak mampu memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya.Kebutuhan hidup meliputi makanan, pakaian, tempat tinggal, pendidikan, dan kesehatan. Kemiskinan sebagai akibat berkurangnya pendapatan masyarakat secara riil. Masyarakat mengalami penurunan daya beli barang-barang kebutuhan pokok secara umum. Akibatnya, masyarakat tidak dapat hidup secara layak sehingga taraf hidupnya menurun.
    • Pengangguran, Secara umum pengangguran diartikan sebagai angkatan kerja yang tidak bekerja. Pengangguran merupakan rantai masalah yangdapat menimbulkan beberapa permasalahan pada suatu negara. Pengangguran disebabkan jumlah angkatan kerja yang tidak seimbang dengan jumlah lapangan kerja/kesempatan kerja. Akibatnya, banyak angkatan kerja yang tidak dapat terserap dalam lapangan pekerjaan sehingga menimbulkan pengangguran. pemerintah perlu mengusahakan kebijakan dibidang ketenagakerjaan, misalnya perbaikan kualitas tenaga kerja / sumber daya manusia, menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan, mendorong tumbuhnya investasi danmodal, menyediakan informasi lapangan pekerjaan, serta memberikan pelatihan dan keterampilan bagi tenaga kerja.
    Melihat beberapa permasalahan diatas, Indonesia saat ini memerlukan langkah-langkah konkrit dan strategi ekonomi yang baik guna menangani permasalahan diatas,

    • Mendorong Pertumbuhan Industri, Tidak ada ekonomiberkembang dan mencapai status berpenghasilan tinggi sejak tahun 1950 tanpasektor industri  yang kuat dan basis produksi yang beragam, baik industri besar maupun rumahan.  produktivitas industri di negara berkembang cenderung untuk mengejar ketinggalan dengancepat dengan di negara maju, dan ini membuat industri pendorong kuatpertumbuhan,  sayangnya, perekonomian Indonesia masih bergantung pada produksidan ekspor komoditas, harga yang cenderung volatile. Bahkan, manufakturIndonesia menyusut sebagai bagian dari PDB, ekspor, dan kesempatan kerja. Sektor Industri perlu didorong melaluiperaturan investasi yang lebih efisien, menciptakan peningkatan persaingan domestik daninternasional, dan pasar yang fleksibel.
    • Mengurangi kesenjangan Ekonomi, Di negara-negara Asia yang berkembang pesat lainnya, ketimpangan pendapatan diIndonesia telah naik dalam dekade terakhir. Alasan utama adalah ketimpanganmeningkatnya kesempatan untuk mengakses layanan kesehatan, pendidikan,pekerjaan, keuangan, dan sistem peradilan. Hal ini tidak hanya memperburuk tingkat ketegangan sosial,  hal itu juga limbah potensi manusia dengan menyangkal jalan miskin untuk mobilitas ekonomi dan sosial ke atas. harus memastikan bahwa semua orang Indonesia memiliki akses ke kualitas yang samadari layanan kesehatan dan pendidikan . Akses ini harus diberikan kepada semua orang sama, apakah orang tersebut muda atau tua; lahirdari orangtua miskin atau kaya; berada di lingkungan perkotaan atau pedesaan;atau tinggal atau menonaktifkan Pulau Jawa, yang merupakan rumah bagi sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia. Mengurangi ketidak setaraan akan memerlukan memeriksa kembali distribusi sumber daya fiskal di seluruh negeri dan menentukan seberapa efektif mereka digunakan. Dan itu akan membutuhkan perluasan program bantuan sosial, meningkatkan penargetan mereka, danmeningkatkan keberhasilan mereka melalui peningkatan desain dan pengiriman.
    • Kebijakan bidang Energi lebih baik, Kebijakan dibidang energi harus jauh lebih bijaksana dalam menghilangkan subsidi BBM dan menekankan sumber energi alternatif yang rendah karbon, termasuk panas bumi, tenaga air,biomassa, angin, dan energi surya serta gas konvensional. Harga sumber daya alam secara lebih umum harus mencerminkan tidak hanya kelangkaan mereka, tetapi juga kepada biaya sosial dan lingkungan masyarakat. Investasi publik di bidang pertanianharus berfokus pada peningkatan hasil dan tanaman-nilai yang lebih tinggi sambil mengurangi limbah dan pembusukan antara pertanian dan konsumen. Dana lokasi anggaran untuk perlindungan lingkungan dan program konservasi perlu ditingkatkan lebih lanjut
    • Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Rakyat, Pemberdayaan Ekonomi rakyat dengan menggali potensi-potensi kemandirian dan pengembangan ekonomi Rakyat melalui pemberdayaan dan pengembangan ekonomi strategis dalam Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam/Agraria secara Adil dan Berkelanjutan, yang berlandaskan pada subtansi yang dimaknai bahwa Pengembangan Ekonomi Kerakyatan berlandaskan pada  ” Alat Produksi/Faktor Produksi dan Proses Produksi ”  tetap berada dalam pembinaan pemerintah
      • Mengembangkan ekonomi strategis berbasis potensi lokal masyarakat.
      • Menumbuh kembangkan model-model pengembangan ekonomi  rakyat atas dasar keswadayaan dan kemandirian.
      • Penguatan – penguatan institusi dan kelembagaan ekonomi dalam masyarakat dalam rangka menumbuhkan sistem perekonomian kolektif dan penguatan permodalan secara swadaya dan mandiri.
    Demikian mungkin sedikit pembahasan yang dapat saya uraikan, berdasarkan kepada pengamatan, dan penelitian kondisi di dalam masyarakat. Insya Allah akan dapat menjadi masukan positif.

    By :

    Andy Satyakusuma
  • We continue to hear stories about child abuse and child sexual abuse in the media. Sometimes these stories make the headlines, and more often they do not. We know that far too many children and families are affected. In 2009, there were 3 million reports of child abuse and neglect involving 6 million children. Of these, approximately 8 percent were reports of sexual abuse. We also know that more than 90 percent of these children knew the perpetrator of the crime. Only a small minority of cases involved sexual abuse by a stranger.

    Type of Abuse

    Physical Abuse

    Physical abuse may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm to a child.
    It may also be caused when a parent or carer fabricates symptoms of, or induces illness in a child.

    Emotional Abuse

    Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional ill treatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent effects on the child’s emotional development, and may involve:
    • Conveying to a child that s/he is worthless, unloved, inadequate, or valued only insofar as s/he meets the needs of another person
    • Imposing developmentally inappropriate expectations e.g. interactions beyond the child’s developmental capability, overprotection, limitation of exploration and learning, preventing the child from participation in normal social interaction
    • Causing a child to feel frightened or in danger e.g. witnessing domestic violence, seeing or hearing the ill treatment of another
    • Exploitation or corruption of a child
    Some level of emotional abuse is involved in most types of ill treatment of children, though emotional abuse may occur alone.

    Sexual abuse

    Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child to take part in sexual activities, including prostitution, whether or not s/he is aware of what is happening.
    Activities may involve physical contact, including penetrative and non-penetrative acts. ‘Penetrative acts’ include ‘rape’ (forced penetration of vagina, anus or mouth with a penis) and ‘assault by penetration’ (sexual penetration of vagina or anus of a child with a part of the body or an object).
    Sexual activities may also include non-contact activities, e.g. involving a child in looking at / production of abusive images, watching sexual activities or encouraging her/him to behave in sexually inappropriate ways.  It may include use of photos, pictures, cartoons, literature or sound recordings via internet, books, magazines, audio cassettes, tapes or CDs.
    Children under sixteen years of age cannot lawfully consent to sexual intercourse, although in practice may be involved in sexual contact to which, as individuals, they have agreed. A child of under thirteen is considered in law incapable of providing consent.

    What Should We Do

    As caring adults, we might wonder what we can do about it. Eliminating child sexual abuse requires a community-wide response. Parents and guardians, school professionals, other child and family specialists, and law enforcement can all play a vital role in protecting children. There is some good news. Child sexual abuse incidence and prevalence in the United States has declined 49 percent since 1990. Let's explore some of the reasons why and some of the strategies we hope to continue using.

    In School

    School-based programs can make a difference. Educators are in the unique position of having daily contact with many children. They are often the only adults outside of a child's family who have this kind of frequent contact with the child. With training and support, educators can both prevent and effectively intervene in cases of child sexual abuse. Educators also function as legally mandated reporters, with the responsibility of understanding normal child behaviors and recognizing behavioral and physical indicators of child abuse. As mandated reporters, they are required to intervene and follow state laws when there is a concern. To protect children fully, educators must be familiar with indicators, know the reporting policies and procedures, and be able to access resources for children and families in their school and community. In addition, school personnel should be trained to teach personal safety and sexual abuse prevention programs to the children in their classrooms.
    Dr. David Finkelhor, director of the Crimes Against Children Resource Center, makes the argument in favor of more reliance on education strategies, rather than criminal justice strategies, to prevent abuse and support the well-being and recovery of children who may have experienced sexual abuse. He believes that a community-wide approach that includes and supports school-based prevention education will be more successful than a criminal justice strategy.

    At Home

    Parents and guardians can make a difference. They know their children best and are in the best position to support and reinforce personal safety and sexual abuse prevention skills that may be taught in school. Parents and guardians need to acknowledge that abuse, including child sexual abuse, can occur. Learning what programs, if any, are being taught in their child's school is an important first step. Because of their close relationship with their children, parents are in an excellent position to detect indicators—for example, sudden changes in behavior, such as fear of certain people, places, or things, and so on. Providing early intervention and assistance can prevent negative long-term consequences.
    Together, we can make a difference. "The decline [in child sexual abuse rates] encourages us to recognize that sexual abuse is not an intractable problem, but one whose incidence can, under appropriate circumstances, be dramatically reduced relatively quickly," says Dr. Finkelhor.

    Effective Programs

    Effective programs include basic personal safety lessons that provide clear descriptions of safe and unsafe touch, such as "Safe touch is a touch that helps to keep you clean and healthy, like a when you are getting a shot from the doctor at the doctor's office." Effective programs also include guidelines for children on how to seek help if they are concerned for themselves or a friend—with the instructions to tell a trusted adult, and to keep telling, until you get the help they need. Effective programs are research-based, are age- and developmentally appropriate, and include examples of how families can talk with their children. Parents and guardians need support and guidance in handling sensitive situations, such as responding to disclosure of abuse. Effective programs reduce abuse incidents, increase children's comfort with saying no, and increase the likelihood that children will seek assistance if they do experience abuse.
    An integrated approach that includes schools, communities, children, and their families and that uses developmentally appropriate tools and strategies will provide the best opportunity to prevent child sexual abuse and keep children safe.
    Andy Satyakusuma

  • Democracy is a means of running a government so that the people come first, and basic human rights are respected and upheld. A democrat, by nature, is an individual who tends to be more liberal and open minded, and in a sense, more understanding in regards to certain political and social issues that affect communities all around the world. Democracy is simply a means for each individual nation to truly form their own identity, yet be a part of the global movement that is changing how we think.
    The idea of democracy has been understood and applied in different ways, both temporally and culturally, with democracy taking various forms in different societies. From a historical perspective, the direct democracy of ancient Athens has been transformed into the representative democracy that is common today
    In spite of the success and popularity of democratic system of government around the world in our modern time, democracy is  still  susceptible to the manipulation of unruly politicians and political leaders who are ill-bent to use democracy as a cover to create disorder and chaos in the society. It is certainly the case for those with hidden agenda,  ruthless pursuit of power and wealth,  which often time run contrary to the tenets of the democratic government. spell the death of democracy itself. Factions baying for power would arise within the democratic government. And because these factions only see democracy as a tool to be used to ascend into power, their squabbling and abuse of democratic principles create chaos and disorder in the system.
    The abuse of democracy is exacerbated by the fact that the core principles of democracy are susceptible to the influence of rogue elements. Consequently, the country becomes ungovernable due to the unruly behaviors of the various power-hungry politicians jostling for power. Eventually, the citizens charge with maintain democracy through electoral process began to lose control of the country as wealth and factional fighting become the determinants of the public lives. Voters apathy set in and the system become dysfunctional. Democracy eventually degenerate into anarchy and lawlessness as unscrupulous political leaders take charge of the country and start purging the voice of dissent from within.
    The longstanding hate and mistrust among ethnic groups,  Southern  Sudan for example, make democracy a recipe for conflict rather than a solace and refuge for the tormented. This abuse of democratic system has resulted in contested elections that precipitate violence and civil unrest during the last year general election. Instead of promoting peace and development  in the developing world,  democracy  fuels ethnic and tribal divisions since it legitimizes differences as separate political groupings battle it out on tribal or religious grounds. Worse still, manipulative re-election politicking produces many policies that are not necessarily in the interests of the State or the people these politicians represent or serve. Rather, the policies, if any, are all machiavellistic: tailored toward acquisition and maintenance of power by hooks and crooks. Sacrosanct democratic principles such as the universal suffrage end up being abused than served.
    Democracy, dissimilarly to other forms of government, prides itself on the fact that the governed control the government. Therefore, the actions of the government are aimed at the fulfillment of the desires and aspirations of the governed majority. Hence, Locke reckons that the political authority and the justification for its existence rest on the voluntary consent of the subjects under it. Thus, the legitimacy of the government is based on this social contract between the governed and the governors, electable by the majority to serve their interests. Because Locke holds the view that there is justice in the state of nature, unlike Hobbes, he reasons that humans, being moral agents, can agree, though social contract, to the formation of a central government that can advance the protection and preservation of their natural rights. And because such government is a product of a voluntary consent of people whose natural rights would be protected, it is therefore justified and a legitimate government. People would be submitting to it because of the benefits accrue unto them but not out of coercion or enslavement
    Whereas others might see the very successes of democracy as its eventual cause of its self-destruction, it is also true to argue that the success of democracy create a society where only democratic principles are the cultural norms expected of all political players. It is for this reason that democracy is the main system of government in this 21st century

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